Peter Fiske

Peter Fiske has been a Leatherman since 1964 and is now celebrating fifty years in leather and BDSM. Like all great gentlemen, he’s an original, and unlike so many great names of the past, he’s still with us, and active as ever. He is living proof that sweetness and sadism need not be mutually exclusive.

Peter has been collecting whips for several decades and currently has over 1000 in his collection. He is one of the most knowledgeable whip men in America, and is sought after for his skills at wielding whips. He has just published: “Book of Whips.”

He is a Stonewall veteran, an activist in the LGBT and leather communities, working tirelessly for inclusion and acceptance for all BDSM and leather. He is a past President and served on the board of the S.F. AIDS Emergency Fund (AEF), co-founder of the Breast Cancer Emergency Fund, served on the S.F. Pride board.

Daddy Peter has been a mentor and BDSM educator/player all his adult life, presenting hundreds of programs all over the country. He is Chairman Emeritus of the 15 Association and former Chairman and Coordinator of Delta International. He is a two-time Pantheon of Leather awardee, received the Hank Cook Service award by AEF and the S.F. Heritage of Pride award, among a long list of awards and titles.

“How did I get to be a village elder? I don’t know, but I care about those coming into Leather now, and about our future. I will continue to work (and play!) as long as I can to keep BDSM healthy, safe & fun, and to keep us free to be ourselves. My motto is: play hard, live free, support the LA&M, and always tip your bartenders generously.”



Whip Practice (Hands on)

Singletail whip expert Peter Fiske will provide his “whip workout” in which he will practice safe whip cracking, including basic whip throwing techniques and styles and simple target strokes. In addition, as time allows, Peter will work individually with each person so everyone will learn and practice together so that each person will learn something new in their particular throwing techniques whatever their individual skill level — from beginner to advanced.

Peter will bring whips from his own vast whip collection, which will be available for use in the workshop. Please bring your own favorite whip(s) for use in this informal relaxed workshop setting. If you have always wanted an opportunity to learn from the best and to receive individual instruction on how you might improved your whipping abilities, then this is a seminar you will most certainly want to include in your presentation agenda.

**For all skill levels. Please bring comfortable loose fitting clothing.

History and Discussion of Whips

In this one-of-a-kind seminar, whip master, Peter Fiske, will discuss the history of whips from the earliest known whips such as Egyptian flails and singletails to the scourges and flagellums from ancient Rome thru American and Asian whips and sjamboks and various African whips up to modern times. He will include discussions and examples of whips from around the world and their histories. As part of the class, Peter will illustrate the discussion by showing you actual whips from his unique collection of whips that extends back over 200 years and from all over the world. In this seminar he will give you an opportunity to look at whip history along with a chance to see and touch a variety of whips from Peter’s unique collection of whips.

The art of Caning

The title speaks for itself. Caning may seem simple, but it too, is a skill to learn. More importantly, it is more an art form, with interaction between the artist and the medium. Learn the skills, but feel the art.
